B4A 9.30 Supports AndroidX
AndroidX SDK replaces the Android Support Library SDK. Android Support Library is no longer maintained and new resources such as the latest versions of Firebase libraries depend on AndroidX.
Anywhere software, the developers of B4X suite, (B4A (Basic4android), B4i, B4J, B4R) also, have released the new version of the RAD development platform for Android (B4A) the support to use AndroidX libraries.
How to switch to Androidx on B4A
With B4A v9.30 you can continue to use the old Android Support Library or switch to AndroidX. Switching to AndroidX is simple: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/androidx-sdk.107236/
List of Improvements in B4a 9.30
For complete list of all the improvements in B4A 9.30, visit this link
- Support for AndroidX SDK
- Jetifier tool that creates AndroidX versions of libraries. Note that this step isn't needed for most libraries.
- Auto bookmarks feature
- B4A Sdk Manager v3.50 is included. It supports AndroidX resources.
- Issue with BaseFolder in command line builder fixed.
- Latest versions of internal libraries are included. TabStripViewPager is an internal library now.
Recent code positions and designer layouts appear as tabs in the window title.
The IDE decides on the list of tabs based on several factors (recency, modifications and others).
The list is saved together with the project and restored when the project is loaded.